Fucking hell it’s June already.

After a weekend of bike packing I fell ill with food poisoning and I was out for three days. I ate almost nothing and exercise was not possible. Tomorrow I will go back to the gym as usual though.

I’ve gotten used to the cold showers and it’s pretty much a routine thing now. Can’t say I feel lightyears better because of it, but since the weather is getting warmer it’s sort of nice every morning.

Mental health is neutral-ish.

  • Chay
    311 months ago

    I take cold showers daily for about 1 year now, they’re great!

    At the moment, I’m only doing exercises at home and running, though I’m unsure if I should go to the gym or not. Might get into fitness more this summer.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      411 months ago

      Do you take them in the winter as well? Also, would you say it had any noticeable benefits?

      • Chay
        211 months ago

        Yes, I take cold showers in the winter too. It’s quite a struggle in the beginning but you get used to it.

        As for benefits, I can see I’m more resistant to extreme temperatures now, not only cold, but heat too. I like them because it gives me an energy boost overall and makes me feel good.