From what I can tell he just seems like some libertarian who wants to pick fights. His top song (cover above) is called genocide and features exclusively people that seem to be implied to be Soviets. I expected some horseshoe theory, but the songs just him complaining about haters plus some Nazi related jokes. He’s got a song called Chinese propaganda (feat. MKULTRA), and at first it seems like he could just be responding to the haters on Twitter by joking about his XI Bucks, but then he talks about Taiwan and “our supreme leader” and I’m not sure. If he knows what MKULTRA is maybe he’s not totally ignorant. He also has a song called Isis type beat, which seems like a respectable shitpost, and it reminded me of Yugopnik talking about Isis edits going hard. I did some googling, and all I got of his politics are he is representative of the ambiguous “American melting pot.” Thoughts? Edit: weird YT short of his-

    • KiG V2
      410 months ago

      I am very flattered you thought of me, apologies for lateness.

      Lil Darkie is socially progressive, anti corporate, anti wokeism/political correctness, hyper individualist, libertarian/anarchist. He’s mixed Indian from the Bay area and is openly and proudly bisexual.

      His frame of thought is not entirely dissimilar from many in the dark/hard side of alt rap. Yes, they know bits and pieces of pretty based stuff like MKULTRA, but they also unironically believe in some vague foggy idea where China is a dictatorship. He’s an edgelord so it is unsurprising he would joke about being a dictator, with the issue being the people he thinks are dictators are…not dictators lol.

      His song “Big War” is pretty based. He definitely has some based moments. But he also has a lot of cringey anarchist and “both sides suck!” sort of rhetoric. If asked I’m not sure what he would identify as politically, if anything he would probably say that political labels are meaningless and cringe. He has a genuinely good heart and he’s not stupid by any means, but his politics are pretty hit or miss, I always suspend my political qualms when I listen to Lil Darkie.

      He’s the type of guy who constantly says the n-word as a light skinned mixed Indian guy, saying it’s “just a word” and it will help dilute it’s power; imo I suppose there are worst rationalizations but, let’s be real, it’s also probably because he just doesn’t like being told what to do or not to do because he’s a rebellious little edgelord lol.

      I’m less concerned about his politics, iffy though they are, and more concerned with how his very white audience is using him and the other POC edgelords of Spidergang (his music collective) as a pass to have even worse politics and behaviors. I’ve also talked to and done business with two white members of Spidergang and, well, I was even less impressed with the vibes I got from them.

      Fun related side story:

      I spoke to him briefly on Twitter a few years ago to tell him there were internet Nazis all swarming his posts. It was at the height of BLM protests, he posted a drawing he did of multiracial fists all raised in solidarity, and the most liked reply was a Nazi editing it to make it look like all the fists were stroking an NPC-grey colored dick with a caption that said “multicultural handjob,” obviously implying racial solidarity = Jew lovers.

      I mentioned it, he was really guarded and I could tell he was used to people coming at him aggressively to try and “cancel” him or whatever. He did listen to me explaining what a “dogwhistle” was and the context behind the meme, but, ultimately, his final take to me was, “I’m not responsible for how people react to my music.” Which out of context sounds like a reasonable philosophy, but within context it felt…like…idk dude…you seriously care 0% that the most liked reply to your wholesome racial solidarity meme is a Nazi meme?

      I have no idea where he or his cult fan base are at these days, I haven’t really been in touch with his music for a year or two. Hopefully they sorted that Nazi problem…hopefully.

    • KiG V2
      310 months ago

      TLDR on Ghostmayne, I don’t know his music like that so I can’t say.

      What I CAN say is that on one hand, I really like dark alt rap shit, I myself make some and a lot of my favorite artists make some. But I don’t like darkness for the sake of darkness, especially if it’s people just saying vile shit but who have never actually lived through anything they rap about.

      A lot of people from the whole $uicideboys side of the genre tend to be toxic bratty vapid edgelords with no real life experiences or perspective so I reflexively hesitate around anybody whose name floats around those spaces. I will say i have liked songs from both GM and $Bs, just not a LOT of their peers.

      It would be cool to hear more occultism in alt rap, but as it stands I feel like most of the occult stuff in alternative society is just aesthetic showboating and consumerism.

      • QueerCommieOP
        110 months ago

        What artists would you recommend from this “dark alt rap” genre?