Thanks to the new Zelda game, I am getting back into loving video games and making time for them. I’m playing Ocarina of Time atm :)

Also, I’ve been reading The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. So far, really nice, but not anywhere close to the end yet. Same goes for Moby Dick by Herman Melville (the racism gets unbearable though). And then, I’ve been starting my journey with Nietzsche, I chose Ecce Homo to begin with.

Lastly, some music! The new Lana del Rey and Danny Brown x Jpegmafia albums have been on repeat. Been getting into the group “Lamp” as well. Bad Bunny released a song a few days ago and I’ve been absolutely addicted to it too.

Hope my beautiful comrades have been well, love you all! Remember to take care of yourselves and your circle.

  • @KommandoGZD
    61 year ago

    New complete gaming rig after over 10 years. Completed TLoU1 remaster on it yesterday and man that’s one dogshit console-port performance wise, but it’s still such a great game imo. Only played it once on the PS3 like 8 years ago. Not sure why, but Joel’s change towards the end feels so much darker to me than it did back then. I thought his growth was mostly positive with some obvious negative aspects, but to me he’s arguably darker at the end of the game than he is at the start.