• EnchantedWhetstonesOP
    1 year ago

    There is like one line about how even rich people can’t escape it - as a person who’s known people from rich high schools, sure yeah it’s pretty funny that they’re doing fentanyl and crashing their cars lol, I saw it myself and had little sympathy tbqh. Hard drugs and even alcohol do not appeal to me

    Is that what you’re referring to? Because the broader data is very depressing and I assumed you meant the broader point lf tbe article. this is a way bigger cancer on communities that suffer deprivation as a result of inequality where people have no prospects and have no hope for the world and have nothing to do

    It’s an article about inequality killing children via despair instead of just middle aged white dudes with no college education in areas that had deindustrialization (because we’ve deindustrialized to the furthest extent we can the growth in precarious service work is huge, people would probably just rather die than be an adult working at jack in the box or a warehouse, at least that’s my read)

    • relay
      1 year ago

      I guess we have two contradictions between us.

      1. I think it is unbecoming of us communists to revel in any human suffering regardless of age or race. I’ll self crit to the extent that I do.

      2. I think bunch of people that have no work to do and a bunch of work needed to be done for socialism is an opportunity for us.

      3. We don’t have agency over the capitalist institutions, so their ineffectiveness is not our problem. Us communists’ problem is really our lack of power to build alternatives to the nonsense bullshit that these capitalists foist upon us.