I’m so fucking tired of all of this, they literally attempted to hit Kremlin with drone before a week and Russia still didn’t curb stomp them for some reason. Hundreds are dying in Donbas still, this has been going on since 2014, Donbas is still not free, soldiers are dying, I don’t even know at this point. What’s the problem in just evaporating Kiev, clown and his neo nazi regime and be done with it? I don’t even know how their army is still functionally operating after all the weapons and infrastructure destroyed and crippled, hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed and hundreds dying daily.

Hordes of nazis on the internet and news don’t show signs of stopping of talking about Ukraine 24/7 even after more than a year of this madness.

I literally can’t take it anymore, when will this end?

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    51 year ago

    While imperialists obviously don’t care about the interests of Americans, there is growing discontent domestically and I don’t think it can be entirely ignored especially if the economy keep unravelling.

    The other aspect is that this creates room for opportunists like Trump to come in and say that the reason economy is collapsing is that Biden got US into a pointless proxy war. This is increasingly becoming a popular narrative with the republicans. I expect this trend to continue going forward.

    It’s one thing to buy into slogans like democracy vs autocracy and put flag in your Twttier bio, it’s quite another not being able to pay your bills and put food on the table. When push comes to shove people in US aren’t going to be willing to sacrifice everything to keep a proxy war going.

    Another thing to consider is you’ll see very different views depending on what demographic you interact with. People who still have decent jobs and aren’t personally affected by the economic decline are going to be supportive of what the regime is doing. However, that constitutes an ever shrinking percentage of the population. Last stat I saw was that over 40% of the people now want the war to end regardless of whether Ukraine loses territory or not.

    I definitely agree that there will be a lot of attempts from republicans and democrats to sabotage one another, and on top of that the general public is becoming increasingly tribal. So, it’s going to be hard to get any sort of national unity to do anything.

    Finally, we have the wild card which is the climate crisis. US now has massive climate disasters each and every year, these cause massive economic damage and displace large numbers of people. If there’s another huge wild fire, or a massive tornado, or a hurricane, a heat wave, or a combination of these things, that could have a huge social and economic impact on the country.