Yeah. I have a job, a car and a planet fitness membership - mentioning as I believe they have showers. I have a place lined up in 2 months but for reasons I won’t get into (unless you’re really interested) I have to leave my current residence soon. I am not sure when.

I’m gonna get to spend my birthday homeless. 🎂 🥳

  • @HaSch
    71 year ago

    I’d advise against it.

    Jokes aside, if you have a car you should sleep in it provided it doesn’t get too hot, especially if there’s a thunderstorm coming up because it’s a Faraday cage that protects you from lightning. Always make sure your parking brake is locked before you go to sleep or leave your car, and if you drive out into nature, don’t sleep anywhere near mountains, precipices, caves, rivers, moorland, or dunes