Yeah. I have a job, a car and a planet fitness membership - mentioning as I believe they have showers. I have a place lined up in 2 months but for reasons I won’t get into (unless you’re really interested) I have to leave my current residence soon. I am not sure when.

I’m gonna get to spend my birthday homeless. 🎂 🥳

  • Soviet Snake
    161 year ago

    I think that if you are in Europe it won’t be as shitty as in the US where the cops will detain you if you are sleeping in your car or something. I’d try to park in a place where there’s an outlet nearby and that’s kind of a public place but not so public so that the cars will wake you up in the morning. I don’t know how dangerous it is over there but try and be in a place where you won’t get robbed. If there’s public wifi that’s a big plus and try to get a laptop, I’d use the cell phone for socializing and the laptop to consume some media so that you can balance the battery usage of them. Having some pepper spray is a good idea just in case. Salads and sandwiches are some good meal ideas that could help you to not each the shittiest thing possible and will not require much cooking, you have a job too, so I guess you could try and eat out some time a least to a not so expensive place to compensate the not being able to cook.