I’m almost certain this has been linked here before but i’m posting this again for reference since i found myself needing quick access to a compilation of sources like this, and it can get tiresome having to do the same research over and over again when debunking anti-communist talking points. Hopefully others find it useful as well, and if you haven’t gone through this doc before give it a read, you may learn something new.

  • @RedClouds
    72 months ago

    Thank you comrade! I will be downloading this and keeping it as a reference!

    As davel said, Even if reports like these are amazing, some of the sources they point to are busted up, or videos that have been taken down.

    Does anyone know of a good archival site for YouTube videos? Or are places like Odyssee backing them up? Or another project?

    Our sources keep getting ripped off the internet and if archive websites keep getting taken down we need a separate place to keep our information up forever.