• @umbrella@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    something similar happened in burkina faso a while ago and i found almost zero reliable info about what actually happened and the context for it in a language i can speak.

    i will cautiously assume this is a positive thing because it seems to be an anti imperialistic movement?

      • @umbrella@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        thats what makes me not write this off as a bad thing honestly.

        getting rid of their colonizers theoretically allows them to pick up the pieces and fix things, however the new leadership has to follow through with a good faith plan, and who even are they if i cant find more info to contextualize.

        i say this because in the context of my own country, if you see the military coup our current system and promise the world: please send help.

    • @erik_houdini
      141 month ago

      Ibrahim Traoré is one of the most important leaders of the 21st century and should be an inspiration to any young person who wants to see major radical change and his or her people better than they are.