always a “software glitch”
always a “software glitch”
it works on most bootloader unlockable phones out there. either officially supported or unofficially but ymmv with them so vet them carefully before flashing your device with unofficial code.
the link the other guy posted can be used to search if a model supports it officially, and you can usually find unofficial builds on xda-developers or telegram channels dedicated to the model.
if you are on linux AMD is the better choice, period.
don’t get me wrong nvidia will work relatively well, ive ran it before on linux and its actually improving. but it isnt worth the pricetag to have tons of small issues everywhere.
90k? dollars? where i live thats a life of never having to work anymore if i manage it well.
yOu aRe MadE oF sTardUst
im my country those have to be imported, which makes them really expensive still.
i think they only really sell pixels in the us and europe?
it is. most people install google apps though to make it practical, but you can use it with microg or without google at all.
i see the brain drain has already started. i imagine asian looking and sounding people will start having a hard time in the us soon, as trump prepares to escalate with china.
but the ones wet on the outside are icky ok.
im a picky eater dont judge.
graphene is only available on pixel phones which are not worth it.
install lineage and be happy.
i remember reading a very interesting comparison with the DMT experience some years ago
fascism thrives in chaos, but yes, they are extracting and burning oil in more quantity and cheaper price.
i don’t think there many democrats in this comm
oh so he moved on to killing people now then
pictured: musk’s anti-luigi countermeasures
they gonna reap the rewards of chaos, thats for sure.
Like voles and muskrats, lemmings feed mostly on plants. They eat a wide variety of plant species, and feed on grasses, shrubs, leaves, twigs, roots, fungi, and more. During the winter, instead of collecting food in their tunnels, like pika, lemmings dig beneath the snow and search for buried food. They can eat very tough plants because, like all rodents, their teeth grow constantly.
protip: if you see a lot of straight borders, that territory was divided by another empire.