• Kaffe
    1 year ago

    To fight the “pedophile, gay satanists” in the West?

    Come on, how is it not obvious to you that the US is trying to colonize Russia? Do you know what happens if Russia loses this?

    It doesn’t matter how reactionary the leadership of Russia is, Russia as a country will always be a target for Colonization by the Atlantic empires. The Russian nation’s path for survival is anti-Colonialism, therefore anti-Capitalism, therefore Socialism.

    • KommandoGZD
      1 year ago

      how is it not obvious to you that the US is trying to colonize Russia

      Who’s denying that?

      This war, however, isn’t being fought to protect the Russian working class from colonization, it’s ultimately being fought to ensure the Russian bourgeoisie’s ability to exploit the Russian working class.

      That’s still preferable to US domination, but it’s not anti-colonialism and it’s honestly fucking wild to see people, on a ML forum, lumping real people’s liberation struggles of the past century together with this fucking war. Russia isn’t Vietnam, Jesus Christ.

      The Russian nation’s path for survival is anti-Colonialism, therefore anti-Capitalism, therefore Socialism.

      That’s vulgar materialism at best. History isn’t deterministic and socialism most definitely isn’t an inevitability at all. There’s many different ways a nation can attempt to resolve contradictions within the global system.

      Russia used to be socialist, its path to survival actually used to be real anti-colonialism. It collapsed anyway into the reactionary bourgeois state it is today.

      • Kaffe
        1 year ago

        It’s not vulgar materialism. At this stage in history Russia has no other option than alliance with the developing world, led by China. With China comes industrialization and socialization of labor which will necessarily invoke class struggle in the countries it develops with. Any nation that seeks to develop its productive forces is faced with Finance Imperialism which seeks to permanently freeze the development of all countries. Can development opposed to Finance Imperialism develop itself into monopoly Imperialism? This is what I doubt, and which obviously has not occurred yet.

        The Russian bourgeoisie, the Oligarchs, are opposed to the war. The United Russia party was pushed towards intervention from the bottom up.

        Further, you said you do not deny that the US is trying to colonize Russia, but then you say Russia’s actions aren’t anti-Colonial. How does this make sense? Serious question, looking at the Russian intervention in Syria, do you think that was not anti-Colonial? Do you think Syria isn’t under threat of colonization by the US? Is fighting against that attempt not anti-Colonialism?