• @CountryBreakfast
    1 year ago

    Who in the hell is mr beast? Why do I keep seeing this name? I thought it was Mr. Beat the youtuber for like months before I noticed his name is Mr. Beast.

    Edit: I clicked on the twitter.com thing and its Mr. Beast but its probably not relevant to the post

    • QueerCommie
      111 year ago

      Mr. Beast is one of the biggest YouTubers. He does random charity stuff, “tipping” a service worker a crappy car, cleaning a beach, having YouTubers touch a plane for hours so they can donate the plane to their child of choice, etc. He’s a millionaire and he makes people feel like they’re doing something by donating to his stuff or planting a single tree, but he distracts from real issues.

      • @CountryBreakfast
        31 year ago

        I saw a pic of beast with pewdiepie, or however its spelled, and I saw red. Thanks for filling me in.