Interested to hear what’s best helped comrades improve their workouts.

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    1 year ago
    • Hydrate throughout (water, coconut water, watermelon water)

    • stretch before and after thoroughly

    • Perform warm up and cool down cardio respectively at the beginning and end of your workouts

    • do not drink energy drinks before or during the workout the sugar will dry you up and the caffeine will overdrive your heart which is your job, taking caffeine for your workout is like driving a standard in 5th gear always; you can’t build enough energy as you have no necessity to speed up - your heart rate is already there thus limiting you from being able to accelerate.

    • Carbs should be eaten before workout for energy, protein should be consumed after workout to build new muscle in the cracks you’ve just made by working out. Carbs should be consumed >20 minutes before beginning cardio to avoid cramps and ensure processing of carbs (also take note of complex vs simple carbs…just eat pasta if you’re not sure). Protein should be consumed within 20 minutes after your workout.

    • High weight low reps is for building muscle, low weight high reps is for definition.

    • LEG DAY IS FOR MALES TOO, everyone needs to be able to squat lift and carry your comrade out of danger or being able to run tree lines.

    • Nutrition is just as important as exercise.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      31 year ago

      Warm up and cool down cardio is something I really need to start doing.