Hey. Sorry for being gone here for a while. I value this community and I’m not trying to show my uglier sides.

I’ve been clubbing. Talking to people. Girls, the mentally ill, homeless, gangsters, rubes, tech bros, artists, businessmen, and…someone really strange.

I’m very involved already. I’m trying to define an autonomous life but this guy has the gravitational pull of the Sun. And not for no reason.

He has very good intentions. Truly. A good heart. He is brilliantly smart. He has magic powers. He helps the homeless. But he’s corruptible. I can already tell the system is going to take his grand utopian ideals and twist them, slowly, or at least try damn hard to.

I want to be his right hand guy. To be the Marxist Leninist in high places. To seize a position from the enemy and turn it against the system. This guy knows people. He knows Obama. He knows leaders in high industries. He’s not some random. I want to infiltrate whatever I can. It’s about time the Beast got twisted back. The time is ripe.

I’m scared, of course. Every bad thought about me is coming to light. I have some tough decisions to make. Crime, and organized crime, is staring at me. Insanity. I didn’t sleep so much that I hit a new level. It’s powerful. Insanity is powerful. My heart is so broken.

The line is a razor’a edge.

I already know what people will say. I already tried to talk about my close ones with it. I already know. It’s so complicated. It’s not as simple as it seems. It really isn’t.

The United States is Hell on Earth. It is the epicenter of evil. Socialism has been destroyed here a dozen times. Socialism has never been achieved in the imperial Western “developed” countries. We all know the MLism is a guideline, not a strict recipe. Every country, every time and place and set of peoples, requires unique circumstances.

The USA will require, naturally according to its position, the most bizarre and unprecedented circumstances socialist history has yet to see.

It may be something we hate that is the key. Something already proven ugly. Gangs, lumpenproles like the homeless, cults, parties, drugs, organized crime, capitalist institutions, fascist fervor, churches, music, celebrities, electoralism, apoliticism, accelerationism, hoteps, consumerism…who knows which of these ugly things may prove necessary.

Did not our heroes do the same, fundamentally?

I’m out here. Seeing the people in these places…it’s something else. I’m not a complete rookie to it but…wow.

I want to relay my experience. Regardless if this experiment ends in failure or success. Regardless of my fears or the historical precedent or the logic or the common sense.

I’m just a pawn.

Also, I’m going to be touring the continental United States and possibly other bits of North America. I don’t know when or how far out. I’ll say again when it’s time. I need money first. But if anybody here wants some human experience…just to hang out and chat or anything else…just let me know. I would love to meet any Lemmygrad comrades, for any reason, just as simple humans.

I don’t know why I’m writing this. Evidently I am still sleep deprived haha. Or maybe I’m just on my shit. This is my shit. It can’t be taken away from me.

I love you all. I wish you the best. We are comrades. We are the pioneer species, the lichens and moss breaking down rocks so that grasses and one day trees may grow on the barren land. Our job is not easy. It is cold and cruel. It is in many ways FEELS against the grain. Against the flow. It really isn’t. I am trying to go with the flow. The flow has never betrayed socialism. I am flushing down my doubts and my inhibitions. It will be necessary. No silk gloves.

I wish you the best. If you want to talk the best way would be my Instagram right now @kigv2. I also have a phone. If you can find the number online you can call or text me anytime ;p

Long live Socialism. Long live Socialism.

  • @sudojonz
    1 year ago

    Obviously I don’t know the whole story here, but the way you talk about this charismatic guy absolutely SCREAMS strong narcissistic traits. I’m speaking from experience, having met people like this over the years and once or twice being sucked into their orbit because they seemed so “real” about their views. And they nearly destroyed me, bit by bit like a frog in water. People who I had previously thought could have been the leader of a real communist movement. Gaslighting opportunists who “mean well” and “have so much charisma”.

    He has very good intentions. Truly. A good heart. He is brilliantly smart. He has magic powers. He helps the homeless. But he’s corruptible.

    This line you wrote in particular really hit me hard. Like RUN the f*ck away!

    Remember that their “good heart” will most likely not be backed up by good-hearted actions when push comes to shove. Their charisma is the smoke and mirrors which fools everyone until they get too close for too long and get burned. People like this lie so f*ucking well it’s like breathing to them, until you watch them daily for MONTHS you will not pick up their patterns. If he knows Obama then I dated Lenin.

    If you strongly disagree with me that is fine of course, but think about this: if they are so smart, well-intentioned, but corruptible then how can you possibly save them when the time comes other than putting them to the wall without a second thought? You can try to convince them, but they will never see it for reality.