Predictions? I know it’s a really open ended/vague question but that’s kind of the point.

What you guys think lies ahead for the dollar and burgerland

  • knfrmity
    1 year ago

    It’s in for some rough times ahead. As I understand it, the basis of its value comes from its necessity in global trade and settlement. Theoretically a currency derives value from the production of the nation from which it comes, but as we know the US has no real production to speak of.

    Looking at what happened to the pound sterling in the post-WWII period may give us some indication of what may happen to the dollar. The sterling was once the primary global currency, but targeted economic warfare on the behalf of the US put an end to that. Of course now there won’t be another state waging economic war on the US, as the US waged on the UK, but the global community as a whole shifting to bi- and multilateral currency deals will ultimately have a similar effect.