semi- Serious question, Idon’t get it. Most of us get why the hegemonic gender system is stupid, why subscribe to the binary role you were assigned? Also, why do straight people exist? Maybe it’s just me but I like to look and feel like my own perception of what is attractive.

  • Imnecomrade
    6 months ago

    When I was younger, my parents thought I was going to be homosexual because I was experimenting with girl toys, hair ties, and such. I also typically sat with the girls at school during lunch and usually got along with them more than the boys. I wanted to know what it was like being a girl. I later grew out of it, but being autistic, I actually don’t mind being feminine in different ways. Nevertheless, I still identify as a man because that’s simply how I feel and am comfortable with. I am heterosexual and probably demisexual. I never really decided my gender just as a nonbinary person never did. Some of us may be conditioned, but it is important to note that the nonbinary population makes up a small percentage of the world. Most people are comfortable with being their gender, binary or nonbinary.

    I recommend this video regarding gender noncomformity in cisgender autistic people:

    I am for gender abolition as well. Gender, race, etc. are used as and have originated as tools to divide the working class.

    This is what I wrote for my application

    Gender is a social construct that emerges within the framework of capitalist societies. Gender roles and relationships are not natural or fixed but are instead shaped by the material conditions and economic relations of a given society. Gender inequality is deeply intertwined with class exploitation. The capitalist mode of production relies on the reproduction of a gendered division of labor, where women are often relegated to unpaid domestic work and caregiving roles. This division of labor not only serves to maintain a cheap and exploitable labor force but also reinforces patriarchal power structures.

    Capitalism thrives on creating and exploiting divisions within the working class, including divisions based on gender and sexuality. The capitalist system perpetuates heteronormativity, reinforcing the dominant heterosexual norms and marginalizing LGBTQIA+ individuals. This is done through mechanisms such as excluding LGBTQIA+ individuals from job opportunities, denying them legal rights and protections, and stigmatizing non-normative gender identities and sexual orientations.

    The struggle for gender and LGBTQIA+ liberation is inherently linked to the broader class struggle against capitalism. Marxists argue that true liberation requires the overthrow of the capitalist system, which perpetuates gender and sexual oppression for the sake of profit. They advocate for a socialist society where gender and sexuality are no longer exploited and marginalized but are liberated from the constraints imposed by capitalism.

    Marxists should support the LGBTQIA+ community and their struggles for equality and liberation. They view LGBTQIA+ rights as an integral part of the broader struggle against oppression and exploitation. By challenging the gender and sexual norms imposed by capitalism, Marxists aim to create a society where individuals are free to express their gender identities and sexual orientations without fear of discrimination or marginalization.