Just found this community, I love memes and I think being able to laugh about shit even if it’s somewhat offensive is important, I definitely would never want to curate a hyperwoke space where everybody splits hairs about every little word and action. I think it’s important to laugh at each other and ourselves, it’s human. Edginess and dark humor can be lots of fun.

That being said, I do question the profile picture of the community. I will not even lie, it’s a goofy picture, and in a vacuum there is nothing wrong with it and it would even be funny and appropriate for a shitposting community IMO. However, Black people + watermelon is a very common old racist trope within the United States used both on our internet spaces and IRL, and with that context I do wonder if some of our Black comrades who are familiar with the trope would feel alienated from wanting to participate in this community, but also wouldn’t want to voice that themselves and be seen as a complainer.

This is not at all an accusation, and I’m sure whoever chose the profile picture didn’t intend that whatsoever and might have not even known about the trope. I would just hate if our Black comrades felt this was a hostile space. Perhaps they should be asked, but I would hate to put someone “on the spot” and again feel pressure to not seem like a complainer.

  • @sparkingcircuit
    81 year ago

    Good catch! It didn’t even occur to me but your right. I’m sure this will be corrected soon, thanks for pointing it out comrade!