• Black AOC
    1 year ago

    Based, bless.

    Yeah, this is a based-ass article and pretty well sums up my misgivings with Discord. It’s… Genuinely too ephemeral. Half the time I’m using it, all I’m thinking is “fuck, I miss IRC.”

      • @savoyOP
        31 year ago

        It also remains fairly popular with FOSS projects, although it’s been split up with Discord as it’s touched in the article, but also with Matrix which should be the path to take if not IRC.

        The only thing I’m missing is a really good Matrix terminal client; gomuks isn’t there yet and weechat-matrix is unmaintained to focus on weechat-matrix-rs which hasn’t really gotten off the ground, unfortunately. Because if I could use Matrix perfectly in weechat… that’s a game changer.