I sorta like the random meme subs and eventually I always get back to Commie subs. But Jesus its so divisive. Like immediately after I suggest Russia sucks compared to USSR it isn’t imperialist, now I’m getting pulled into a whole argument with someone who believes they are imperialist. I mean I understand their points but everyone on Reddit thinks just because Russia is not socialist, Ukraine and Russia are the same evil and Russia is actually Imperialist, so by this logic I guess this person sees Russia as a greater threat than the Nato expansion that Ukraine aims for. God Reddit is annoying

  • KiG V2
    1 year ago

    90% of people who touch politics on the internet are like this, anywhere. The only people who I’ve been able to talk to about Russia/Ukraine with frankness that are receptive to the message in my experience is IRL poor black people and occasionally IRL poor white people, many who were fairly rightward leaning socially. Suburban white liberals who make up the majority of Reddit will never listen. Suburban white conservatives sometimes do but that’s because they think Russia good because liberals hate it and China bad because Joe Biden is a communist (duh). White Suburban Westoid liberals have a monopoly on Reddit and most media platforms, and the spaces they don’t tend to be fascist (spot 6 differences).