Discussion questions:

What video games have you played recently?

What are your favorite video game genres?

Question of the week:

What have you gotten in terms of games recently for January, if anything?

Anyway, make sure to also answer the questions in the title.


  • @sparkingcircuit
    31 year ago

    1. What video games have I played recently
    Recently I’ve mostly been playing Doom (using the crispy-doom source-port and the 1.9 wad from this collection of Doom wads.)
    2. What are my favorite video game genres?
    My favorite genres of video games are resource management and logistics games such as Factorio, RimWorld, and OpenTTD.
    3. What have I gotten in terms of games recently for January, if anything?

      • @sparkingcircuit
        31 year ago

        I actually just bought it today! Though I haven’t played it yet, it looks fantastic.

          • @sparkingcircuit
            21 year ago

            Been playing a few hours now, and I’d have to say I am enjoying it!