Discussion questions:

What video games have you played recently?

What are your favorite video game genres?

Question of the week:

What have you gotten in terms of games recently for January, if anything?

Anyway, make sure to also answer the questions in the title.


  • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️
    51 year ago

    What video games have you played recently?

    Currently playing Yakuza Like a Dragon: Ishin! (aka Ishin Kiwami) That game lets you play 4 days early before release if you pre-ordered it.

    What have you finished recently?

    Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. God that game’s kinda long (when you’re not just beelining through the Main Story anyway).

    What have you gotten in terms of games recently for January, if anything?

    I only pre-ordered Ishin Kiwami. (I only pre-order games from franchises that are close to my heart and confident won’t disappoint me)