Like but dislike the messages in it but still movie/show/game

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    91 year ago

    Actually? There are liberal media news, columns, and commentary that I like (outside of just entertainment).

    Like, for example, when they’re not talking about international news, the news is genuinely better (maybe often inadequate, to be sure, and not going far enough, and not always doing the problem justice, but it’s better).

    Also, the commentary can sometimes be enlightening (I’m talking about outside the “opinion articles,” which are genuinely war propaganda or even horrible domestic policy-pushing masked as “just an opinion bro lol.”

    For example, a lot of the literary reviews here and there are good, the opinion articles on cultural phenomena in the West and in particular America are somewhat enlightening and bring up good points that I didn’t think about before, and you’ll occasionally find that “one good article” on a topic (doesn’t have to be political) that is… honestly better-written than most “alt media” articles out there; if not, maybe even all of them.

    However: I have an RSS feed for my news (which I recommend every person get as it makes it easier to keep up with recently published articles in their favorite political outlets) and so it’s easier to keep track of which news or blog is posting what and whether it’s good or not (since you can kinda compare).

    In fact: I honestly think that entertainment media (not the actual movies/shows/games themselves, but place like IGN, for example) are genuinely bad as they’re incredibly bare-bones, imho, and just rehash the same tropes over and over and over again.