This is the article I am talking about.

Every circumstantial evidence and common sense argument would suggest that the US was to gain the most from this attack. But deranged liberals of all ranks, from mainstream “journalists” to the rabid NATO defenders of, tried to gaslight you into thinking that at best the jury was still out on who did it and at worst accused Russia for doing it even though they stood to lose the most because of the outcome.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    151 year ago

    Seymour has a track record though, he broke the My Lai massacre story and he’s won several journalistic prizes. He was also among the first to cover the Abu Ghraib abuses.

    • Salamander
      61 year ago

      He is a very respectable journalist. I was not familiar with his work, but I have looked at some summaries and excerpts and it is for sure fantastic work. His fame and prestige is absolutely enough of a reason to listen to him and take him seriously, but no amount is enough to accept what is attributed to an “unnamed source” says as gospel. You have to trust him, his ability to pick a reliable source, and the source itself - without identifying the source! It is quite a bit to ask for such a claim that is as important as this one.