• cayde6ml
    8 months ago

    So much this. Even if every single ridiculous lie, accusation, misconception, half-truth or slanderous garbage claim about the USSR/Communism from capitalist bootlicking neoliberals were true, communism is inarguably the much better and more efficient, productive, advanced and humane system.

    Capitalism kills bare minimum over 20 million people a year, where as even recent scholarly studies put the total death toll of communism at around 20 million, and even that is stretching it.

    To put into better perspective, capitalism kills more people in a single year than communism has in over 100 fucking years. I’d rather have a system that rewards cooperation, peace, wisdom, democracy, and technological advancement, that only persecutes genuinely violent criminals, scammers, interlopers, right-wingers and oxygen thieves, than the system that rewards greed, exploitation, genocide, environmental destruction, ignorance, abuse of power, and views over 90 percent of the human population as being expendable.

    The life of a single proletarian civilian is worth a quadrillion times more than 10 million, or even one billion wreckers.