• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    8 months ago

    Gotta love how they pretend there’s a further “authoritarian right” to compare themselves to, when it’s one side in particular that is rushing full-force to plunge into world war on several fronts, which is unilaterally backing a blatant genocide in the face of global and domestic outcry, which has been setting up political Reichstag fires all over the west to further justify their spiral into fully fascistic behavior, and which is falling over itself to defend the literal Nazis they propped up in Ukraine (and the Zionist Nazis they propped up in occupied Palestine).

    Trump, Orban, et al. are the “slightly (considerably) less authoritarian right” in contrast to these bloodthirsty neocons, not that I think anyone should be backing them either (though I will certainly cheer on imperialist infighting and hope the best for their attempts in being a stumbling block to further escalation if nothing else).