Title says it all. I don’t exactly know what this account is, but it’s basically a Liberal masking as a Marxist.

  • Strange how calls for tackling systematic issues are met with individualistic lifestyle choices one should make instead or consoomer activism, very little else.

    This is exactly why the iPhone meme is just dumb ad hom. We never tell rightoids to stop using AKs since AKs are socialist.

    We’re not talking about destroying your personal family unit, we’re talking about a protracted cultural revolution that dismantles patriarchal power structures.

    Yep. Nuclear families should solely be formed by choice, not mandated by society’s material conditions. Hell, I’d that lib doesn’t know families evolve, we now see polyamorous families much like in the Middle East except more inclusive. We now see LGBTQ+ parents.

    Hell, my GF has an online family consisting of her friends and me. Since family is a social construct, we can shape it whatever tf we like.

    Just like we’re not talking about killing your vaguely racist uncle Johnny to solve inequality, we’re talking about decolonization and dismantling racist power structures!

    Bingo. I remember a guy offering money to KKK to give up their racist beliefs. Ultrachad move