I actually believe it, but we’ll see.

  • @redtea
    21 year ago

    Not to mention that if the PS5 is anything like the 3 or 4, the PS5 games coming out now won’t work properly till they’re ‘upscaled’ to the PS6.

    • @taiphlosion
      21 year ago

      And chalk up another reason why PC gaming is just better; I know that consoles are usually cheaper overall but their shelf life is extremely short I’m comparison to PCs, all I have to do is upgrade parts instead of buying a whole ass new PC

      I wanted a PS5 when it came out but considering I play on my PC with a PS5 controller anyway there’s not much of a difference lol

      • @redtea
        11 year ago

        Do you need a high spec PC to okay games? Or is that just for the latest titles?

        People here keep talking about these games where you can build/plan/manage a socialist country. Sounds a bit like Civilization VI or Masters of Orion. One might be called Victoria? But I don’t think I have a device that will play such games and wouldn’t know where to start with a PC (and wouldn’t want to spend loads on one).

        I built a gaming PC once. That was around the time that Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Final Fantasy XI were recent-ish.

        • @taiphlosion
          01 year ago

          You don’t necessarily need a high end PC to play games if you’re just a casual player, I think most people who get high end PCs either just have the money to do so or they’re a competitive player

          Civ 5 and 6 both have options for communism, tho Civ 5 calls it “Order” lol

          You could always buy a prebuilt PC and replace the parts as needed, that’s basically what I did. It also helps to know what you’re going to be using the PC for. Since I play games and also make music I needed a good processor and graphics card, but also needing to balance how much it costs. So tl;dr it’s about what you need and can afford

          • @redtea
            11 year ago

            That’s handy to know. I might keep an eye out next time there’s some kind of sale. I’m not in a rush to buy a machine, but I do enjoy older games. I never got round to playing Starcraft II, so that would be top of my list along with Hearts of Iron and Victoria (if I have the names right) as they seem to be highly rated.