Going along with the theme of this thread yesterday, the admin team here has decided to remove these two communities.

Not only are people getting tired of seeing cringe / reactionary content fill up lemmygrad, but it doesn’t create a very welcoming atmosphere for new people, or those wanting to sign up, to see a bunch of reactionary content / hate speech directed at you.

We don’t want to host that content, or make other people see it.

We’ll evaluate these cringe-type / reactionary-content communities on a case-by-case basis, to decide if they should stay or not. Feel free to comment any below that you think should probably be removed.

Stay vigilant comrades, and if you see too much reactionary content being posted to lemmygrad, report it and we’ll get to it as soon as we can.


  • @Franfran2424
    31 year ago

    Were thy reactionary? Nazbol one I could understand, but KKKCringe were too?

    • @CriticalResist8A
      101 year ago

      KKK Cringe was for generally bigoted stuff like racism, homophobia, etc.

        • @Arachno_Stalinist
          51 year ago

          Basically not needed as SFS already exists. Also the risk of 1) Scaring away marginalized newcomers, and 2) Accidentally breeding far right views through desensitization.

        • JoeMarx 193
          51 year ago

          Basically it wasn’t needed since ShitFascistsSay exists. And as Arachno_Stalinist pointed out.

    • JoeMarx 193
      51 year ago

      Hello, I’m the creator of both removed subs.

      KKKringe was created to higlight cringe bigoted memes like CritcalResist8 pointed out like one I found about the happy merchant being real.