Pretty much the title of the post. I started watching porn at a very young age (12 I think) and stuck with it for 13 years. Without retelling my entire life story, porn is the only sexual outlet I have.

I wanted to quit for a while now due to ethical (I don’t think I have to elaborate how fucked up the porn industry is to anyone here) and psychological reasons but so far it always ends in me quitting for a few days and then returning.

I want to stop, I can’t call myself a communist while engaging with something that is so vile and opposed to communist principles but I don’t know how to change my habits in a way that allows me to permanently quit and satisfy my urges in a different way.

  • TheCommunismButton
    1 year ago

    I also had very unruly hair that needed constant touchups haha. In the last year or so I switched to a lower maintenance style.

    It helps to just get a friend or two to look over your profile. You don’t need to pay anybody. I also had a friend who did photography as a hobby to help take a few shots.