Pretty much the title of the post. I started watching porn at a very young age (12 I think) and stuck with it for 13 years. Without retelling my entire life story, porn is the only sexual outlet I have.

I wanted to quit for a while now due to ethical (I don’t think I have to elaborate how fucked up the porn industry is to anyone here) and psychological reasons but so far it always ends in me quitting for a few days and then returning.

I want to stop, I can’t call myself a communist while engaging with something that is so vile and opposed to communist principles but I don’t know how to change my habits in a way that allows me to permanently quit and satisfy my urges in a different way.

  • @Inbrededcanadian
    111 year ago

    Well the big part of why porn addiction is so common is because they are so easily accessible to anyone, like a kid can get any device with internet access and boom, they are 99% there. It really is a societal problem but if you are personally trying to quit then you need to create deterrences, no matter how minor. Stuffs like turning on the safe search can give you enough time to wrestle control back from your reptilian brain and rethink your decisions. Obviously, if this addiction is serious enough where no amount of deterrences helps then it might be time to seek professional help.

    • @RedCatOP
      41 year ago

      I am seeing a therapist already but for something different. I never really thought about my problems being connected with each other but after going through replies and thinking about it they might be related. I will bring it up during my next session.