(Actually its not “hidden” at all, but I only became aware of it’s obvious racism after I started to consider myself a communist.)

For those who don’t know what Conguitos is, it’s basically a brand of junk food. I know the brand since I was little so the brand has always seemed normal to me. But one day I noticed how racist it is, and I don’t know how I didn’t notice earlier.

I’ll let you judge it by yourself first

[CW: Racism] This is one of their products

Where to even begin… The mascot is a caricature of a black person, basically blackface, the name itself, “Conguitos”, makes reference to the Congo, and if you think that’s all, the ads are as obviously racist as it gets.

This crap is so normalized in Spain that it’s actually frightening.

  • 陆船。
    101 year ago

    Wow, a chocolate product that’s manages to be equally racist as the Belgian chocolate hands.