Not only is it the most expensive fighter jet they could buy anywhere in the world, not only does it repeatedly crash,

You can’t repair it yourself.

You have to get engineers flown from the USA for repairs because there’s secret tech in it that you are not allowed to open yourself.

What a fucking piece of shit plane, I sincerely think it was created just to see who is still licking the US’ boots to this day.

  • @Magos_Galactose
    111 year ago

    they don’t have real incentive to actually put out good machinery

    Part of the reason, for jets at least, is Lockheed and Boeing now effectively have monopoly on the entire military aircraft industry in the US. They pretty much out-marketing the actually good aircraft manufacturer, like Douglas (which got took over by Boeing), Vought (defunct in 2001), or Northrop (became irrelevant since 2000). Lockheed and Boeing have the benefit of having people in the right place in both the government and in the military itself, thus they have easier time securing contract for machine that are, most of the time, a gimmick.

    So yeah, another one to the list of “Capitalism kill innovation”.

    • Bury The Right
      1 year ago

      Lockheed and Boeing are the same thing to the aircraft industry as what EA/Activision are to the gaming industry.