Anyone who doesn’t support the squad is “ultraleft” lol.

  • @Shaggy0291
    271 year ago

    Imagine a self styled socialist organisation labelling basic support for unions - arguably the lowest possible bar for socialist politics - a form of ultraleftism!

    The DSA have completely exposed themselves as an utter joke of an organisation with this open pearl clutching about the socialists inside their organisation. Anyone with serious socialist convictions inside their clown house of an org would do well to get out before they become part of the circus themselves. The DSA needs to be struggled against by a truly proletarian political organisation until it has been utterly rejected by American workers.

    • loathesome dongeater
      191 year ago

      I don’t understand why there are 15000 caucuses within DSA each with its own set of brainworms. It seems like a black hole for the energy of people wanting to organize.

      • Preston Maness ☭
        181 year ago

        It seems like a black hole for the energy of people wanting to organize.

        That’s because it is. “Big tent” organizing has very limited utility for exactly this reason. North Star is a fringe caucus, but it doesn’t matter, because having institutional discipline that places limits on just how fringe you can be would be too much like “democratic centralism” and threaten the big tent. Never mind that the DSA is actively hemorrhaging members right now, which is literally the only reason to adopt a big tent strategy in the first place: growth.