I have been going through things because of what others might consider something insignificant, I feel like a giant baby even thinking about it, anyhow if you have something small or considered insignificant bothering feel free to comment it ig

  • @201dberg
    21 year ago

    I literally cry if I watch something touching in a video game cinema scene. Shit there are times when I tear up on here just shit posting with comrades cause it makes me so happy idk how else to express it. Crying isn’t bad. It’s a healthy outlet of emotion. Both good and bad emotion. I know a hard ass boomer I used to work with, kind of an asshole and all boomer, and he used to be suicidal and says after therapy he sits back and cry’s a little bit every single day.

    I also cry whenever I watch anything even remotely creepy. Like I fucking love some good creepy movies. Not jump scare stuff but really demonic creepy kind of movies. Yet it’s like a natural response tears just start pouring out while I’m completely absorbed into the movie. I guess that’s just how my body and brain react to that shit. Honestly I kind of hate that part cause it makes everyone think I’m a little wimp but like I really like those movies and it’s not so much fear as it is maybe excitement? I also will tear up if I get excited… Or if I get super fucking angry… Shit I’m starting to realize I apparently cry and fucking lot. Lmao