I have been going through things because of what others might consider something insignificant, I feel like a giant baby even thinking about it, anyhow if you have something small or considered insignificant bothering feel free to comment it ig

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    Sometimes the weight of all the big things finally comes crashing down due to a small thing. Because of my joint problems, sometimes it’s very difficult to get my shoes on or untie them. That moment when for the 3rd or 4th time, my shoe’s heel folds in on itself and I can’t dig it out, when that knot is tied too tightly and I just fuck it up even more, that’s when it’s time for me to break down. Once had a manic episode due to this and went for a barefoot walk in shorts in 15F weather.

    I got some crocs. No more crying over shoes 😅