AKA Canada is not a sovereign nation. This is not to say the Canadian State does not have free will at all, in most cases it does especially with domestic issues. But I swear to god every time NATO, and more specifically the US, we always follow suite and do whatever they want.

I don’t recall any other nation having beef with Canada, at least not to the extent of needing warships. The Trudeau government is just starting shit with other countries, for what? I have no fucking clue. Not that any other mainstream party in parliament would do better, the cons would definitely do the same. Are they embarrassed that Canada isn’t as noticeable as the US? Do they want to make themselves look big and strong and not to be trifled with?

I’m not advocating for Canada to start conflicts by itself, hell no. I just wish our politicians had the balls to sit out of NATO conflicts and say no. Stop being lap dogs, it’s pathetic.

  • Absolute
    121 year ago

    Very happy we are spending resources antagonizing one of our largest trade partners instead of maybe our collapsing health care system

    • @SpaceDogsOP
      91 year ago

      Trudeau is mad he got lectured like a child by Xi

      • Absolute
        81 year ago

        Can’t believe he was on twitter last week chatting shit about the covid protests in China after that dressing down