I just want to use this to open up a discussion about porn and prostitution because I hear multiple takes all claiming that they have the route to women’s liberation and I’d like to find the correct one, lol.

I think that prostitution and most forms of porn are coercive and not good things overall. Is this a reactionary take? If so I want to correct it by all means but I was always under the impression that the porn actors aren’t paid well enough and prostitution/porn often stems from desperation and not actual desire to be those things.

Let me know your thoughts

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    111 year ago

    I think the person who responded to you is very dumb. It’s this standard liberal Either - Or mentality on full display. I’m sure there really are people who have found porn to be very liberating (economically, socially, spiritually), but like with anything, focusing on individual stories doesn’t paint the full scope. Most sex workers in the world are absolutely exploited and forced into those positions, as are most workers of the world with any field of labor.

    That person accuses you of “twisting liberty”, but what liberty? Liberty for who? Liberty for a extremely small minority of sex workers & porn consumers in the West to enjoy their glorious freedom of expression while the rest have to toil? Liberty for pimps to make money? That’s not the kind of liberty any society should really be interested in replicating.