“Why is this in late stage capitalism?” Besides the pants-shittingly dystopian news, the article points out that some factors include things like environmental issues and obesity, and guess which economic system is largely to blame for those things?

  • thetablesareorange
    2 years ago

    I remember when anti-Malthusians started sharing info about birth rates, and the map showed the poorest countries especially sub-saharan africa as having like ten times higher birthrates, and all the smarty pants know it alls just glossing over that fact, made me laugh. Like “haha guys, you know we can’t show these maps to the general public right? Without all the orange faced hitlers shitting themselves right?.. right!?” like you guys get that that you can’t show maps like this without including all the weird reasons why it doesn’t matter like life expectancy being under 30 in these places, or else ya know you could trigger a whole new wave of neonazi propaganda, where rather than talking about how Malthusianism is a genocidal superstition only used to justify ethnic cleansing, and instead they’re just gonna go “holy fuck black and brown have ten times as many babies as whites, there’s not gonna be anymore white people, oh no we have to… ummm go beat up a jewish kid” or whatever they do. Meanwhile me naively thinking all the Smarty Mcsmartpants at the anti-Malthusianism symposium would realize the global birth rate map is more of a, ya know, for the adults who already know what theyre talking about, to look at section of a new textbook, not plastered all over the fucking internet in meme form and the main focal point of the argument, and then as I’m saying all of this Christchurch happened…

    This may not be a bad thing at first since overpopulation and overconsumption are huge barriers to building sustainable societies.

    yeah umm not cool