
  • MexicanCCPBot
    1 year ago

    This is just my personal experience.

    As you might or might not know the GZD discord has been changed a few times. I was on several of the iterations except on the most recent one, but I was never a regular in any. Even with all the vetting, they were still plagued with the same issues that discord servers tend to have. Won’t get into specifics, but it’s almost as if Discord itself attracts a specific kind of people, no matter the ideology.

    When the server changes happened, I didn’t get the memo until later on, and there’s this very odd tendency for the old gzd servers to become weird secret clubs unrelated to communism when a new one is made. I unknowingly was in the server modded by the bad actor mentioned above, and I saw the changes happen in real time. They were slow and at first the ML channels were still there, but the vibe started to change. Later on they made a huge “revamp” of the server and removed any ML reference from it. That’s when I learned about what the bad actor did, and I was so creeped out that I deleted my account and even had a sort of “faith crisis” about communism. It was fucked up, I felt deceived. Some time later I joined a new gzd server, if I’m correct it was the second to most recent one. However there were still some very abrasive individuals which I didn’t enjoy talking with. Very weird individuals. I had already stopped frequenting that server when I logged in again recently to see that yep, it had happened again. The server had been converted into a weird cult with no mention of communism. If that’s not suspicious, I don’t know what is. It’s almost as if someone is infiltrating communist spaces as they get big only to break them up later and maybe take some confused people with them.

    I probably won’t join a communist discord server again due to the bad experiences I’ve had on them. It’s not a good format for productive conversation, anyway.

    • @Aria
      21 year ago

      I appreciate this write-up, thank you. I’ll stay clear of the Discord then.