As communists, work is an important part of our ideology. I assume that everyone here is Proletariat, so how do you feel about your working hours? I’ve recently been given more hours since a great coworker of mine quit(all my coworkers fully support them, the boss was mistreating them and they were misled with how the job would be)and on the plus side, I finally have more money and I don’t run dry in a week anymore, but Goddamn I don’t like the sudden bump in hours where I feel like I have significantly less free time to even enjoy my wage. For reference I’m probably complaining too much but I’m currently doing 35-39 hours but I’m young so it feels like a lot. What about y’all?

  • @201dberg
    41 year ago

    I was getting about 45-50 a week with 5hr or from just not taking a break, starting early, and working a bit over. I’m remote work from home so at least no commute. Then they cracked down on all of and I am only allowed to work 40 a week. Which sounds loke not a huge deal but all it really did was effectively cut my paycheck by several hundred dollars while not really giving me much more free time at the end of the day. So I somehow feel more overworked with less pay and it’s because I have to now cram more work into the day because I still have the same load but not able to pace it more manageably. So I have started to slow down and burn out which makes the work backlog.

    I think anything over 32 though is too much, if we consider adequate pay and manageable work load. I didn’t mind the longer hours cause I also had less of a load and could take small breaks and take care of some personal stuff like take 5 mins every 20-30 minutes and do a set of lifting. I don’t get that now so instead of both work, and working out, spaced throughout the day I have a huge lump of work and then a big chunk of working out do try and fit in afterwards and in the end I actually spend more time doing both. Which actually turns into me cutting out the working out part because most days I feel to mental worn out after work to do it.