As communists, work is an important part of our ideology. I assume that everyone here is Proletariat, so how do you feel about your working hours? I’ve recently been given more hours since a great coworker of mine quit(all my coworkers fully support them, the boss was mistreating them and they were misled with how the job would be)and on the plus side, I finally have more money and I don’t run dry in a week anymore, but Goddamn I don’t like the sudden bump in hours where I feel like I have significantly less free time to even enjoy my wage. For reference I’m probably complaining too much but I’m currently doing 35-39 hours but I’m young so it feels like a lot. What about y’all?

  • @knfrmity
    61 year ago

    I’ve been officially working 32 hour weeks for the last year and it’s too much. There’s a bit of overtime involved too, which I don’t mind in itself when it’s necessary, but it’s piled up so much that I’m starting to lose the collected overtime without being able to use it. It just still feels really shitty knowing that a significant portion of my time on earth is being spent for the sole benefit of some out of touch rich assholes.

    32 hours (6h 24m per day, 5 days) is way better than the somehow-still-standard 40. It’s a big win for my mental health and relationships and personal projects that I get that hour and a half back every day.

    It’s like @Soselin wrote at length about here. I don’t mind labour, in fact I want to and know I need to. But it’s got to be democratic, help my community, and not add to the hoard of some arbitrary idiots born to privilege.

    I’d reduce my hours further, but money will be tight enough soon anyway. Of course I already had to take a 20% reduction in pre-tax pay with the 20% reduction in hours, while being expected to achieve the same amount as before, but I knew that going in and on the whole it’s been the right thing for me.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      31 year ago

      Fr I was doing 28 hours regularly and Idk how on Earth 40 is the norm

      • @knfrmity
        31 year ago

        In Switzerland the norm is still 44 hours, but then again Switzerland is just finance capital in a suit.

        Anything more than 30 is still the norm because us workers don’t demand what we’re due.