As communists, work is an important part of our ideology. I assume that everyone here is Proletariat, so how do you feel about your working hours? I’ve recently been given more hours since a great coworker of mine quit(all my coworkers fully support them, the boss was mistreating them and they were misled with how the job would be)and on the plus side, I finally have more money and I don’t run dry in a week anymore, but Goddamn I don’t like the sudden bump in hours where I feel like I have significantly less free time to even enjoy my wage. For reference I’m probably complaining too much but I’m currently doing 35-39 hours but I’m young so it feels like a lot. What about y’all?

  • KiG V2
    41 year ago

    Anything more than 30 hours definitely makes my life feel a little less human than I would like.

    Currently I work about 30 hours DoorDashing, but for me this is infinitely better than when I worked 30-40 hours at a restaurant because I can smoke weed, listen to music, listen to political longform content (mostly Breakthrough News), talk to people on the phone, look at nice clouds, wear whatever clothes I want, etc., so this makes the equal work hours much more tolerable.

    I also work probably an additional 2 hours a week helping my girlfriend with her new job. And then, another 10+ hours a week working on my personal projects, which I would argue is absolutely work and only doesn’t seem like it right now because I’m not making money yet (namely music and videogame development). I definitely see it as a job, albeit ones that I love, I force myself to put in the work even if I don’t “feel” like it. I see no reason people shouldn’t be counting all their side hustles and long shots, this society after all is pressuring us to put every ounce of our free time into productivity either for today or for a year from now, no?

    So I work roughly 30-55 hours most weeks, but I honestly aren’t terribly stressed because it’s all either tolerable or really nice. It leaves me with very little time for anything else though; I have very little friend interactions (I’ll talk to my best friend a text or two a day and a phone call once a month), I’ve been neglecting the gym and my other hobbies, I’m go-go-go and then I crash. Sometimes I feel like I’m falling sideways, but I finally am “dancing on tempo” as I might call it, and it makes it pretty okay.

    I can’t imagine though…some people I know are pulling 40, 50, 60+ hours in terrible, terrible, terrible jobs…shit is absolutely not right. THAT is why I’m a communist, not my relatively easygoing albeit shmushed setup.