• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    7 months ago

    The main reason Putin is so popular in Russia is precisely because he reigned the oligarchs in. I lived through the 90s in Russia and I saw first hand what life was like when oligarchs ran things. Russia today is vastly different from that. It’s also worth noting that even after decades of capitalism the social safety nets in Russia are far better than what the workers have in US.

    While I’m not sure about a global revolution happening, what I do think is likely is that western model will discredit itself. I think we’re already seeing the start of that happening. Meanwhile, Chinese model is increasingly seen as a saner alternative around the world. What I’m hoping will happen is the reverse of USSR collapse where US became the model everyone wanted to emulate. This time around it will be US capitalism crashing as China goes from strength to strength.