If so, how did you know you lost your taste? I am currently under the impression that I don’t taste anything anymore, but I’m not sure.

It’s a bit weird to be honest. Like, if I see what I’m eating and I concentrate on how it SHOULD taste, then I can sort of taste it I guess? But if I just eat or drink without thinking about it, I don’t taste anything really.

So, how do you know if you have lost taste lol? And how long did it take for your taste to come back?

I tried asking people around me, but no one actually lost their taste when they had COVID.

  • Black AOC
    51 year ago

    Lost both smell and taste for a few days, but my lingering symptom has been fogging up hard after like six or seven hours awake-- in comparison, the olfactory loss was around for the blink of an eye.