If so, how did you know you lost your taste? I am currently under the impression that I don’t taste anything anymore, but I’m not sure.

It’s a bit weird to be honest. Like, if I see what I’m eating and I concentrate on how it SHOULD taste, then I can sort of taste it I guess? But if I just eat or drink without thinking about it, I don’t taste anything really.

So, how do you know if you have lost taste lol? And how long did it take for your taste to come back?

I tried asking people around me, but no one actually lost their taste when they had COVID.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    1 year ago

    I consistently lose my sense of taste when I get the flu. I’ve never lost it the (supposedly) two times I’ve had covid. Edit: but covid is linked to loss of taste and smell, at least the early studies in 2020 indicated that.

    Taste is heavily linked to smell and you will lose the latter first.

    So I think it would be fair to say you’ve lost your sense of taste, but it might not be covid. Have you taken a test?

    One way to know for sure is brew two cloves of garlic and a nail of ginger in a cup of hot water.

    • DankZedong OPA
      51 year ago

      I ate some homemade garlic sauce yesterday that had been left to ripe in the fridge for a few days. Did nothing as well lmao.

      Tests are so far negative, but they say that home tests are less reliable these days.