Iran, Syria and other countries like them don’t have trans/gay rights, a lot of users on this group support them for being anti west, I know it’s awkward but what’s the deal? is it ignoring due to culture or being patient until the big devil is gone? I need to know to understand the logic since I’m confused

  • loathesome dongeater
    152 years ago

    The bottom line is whatever these countries and their peoples need to do to achieve a more egalitarian society, they will only be able to do it when western influences are lessed if not completely removed. Western intervention has always lead to a more reactionary society in every known case despite what “women under the Shah” reddit posters want you to believe.

    USSR was decades ahead of the US in women’s rights. East Germany was better than West Germany in terms of LGBT and women rights. Not sure about Iran’s Socialist Party but they could have potentially made the country more egalitarian, but we will never find out because they were couped by the CIA.