Starting a double major in Economics/Accounting in a couple of months. Wondering if any comrades had any advice on how I can use skills like this to further my understanding of Marxism and/or help working-class movements in any way.

btw if anyone’s interested I had offers for history and fashion design too but I unashamedly picked this combo for employment (I still enjoy it anyway)

  • DankZedong A
    32 years ago

    I have an accountancy degree as well. I think your best bet to help others is to start working at a place that is helping others. Leftist organisations, marxist parties, social orgs whatever. They all need accountants. The party I am a member of, for example, offered me an accountant job a while ago.

    I actually abandoned being an accountant because I want to be a social worker (I have been one for a while now) but there’s a lot of possibilities to combine marxism and accountancy.