Starting a double major in Economics/Accounting in a couple of months. Wondering if any comrades had any advice on how I can use skills like this to further my understanding of Marxism and/or help working-class movements in any way.

btw if anyone’s interested I had offers for history and fashion design too but I unashamedly picked this combo for employment (I still enjoy it anyway)

  • @Shaggy0291
    112 years ago

    Accountancy is a very rare and valuable skill set in communist circles. Revolutions aren’t cheap and the resources of the workers’ vanguard need to be properly managed and protected. What good is it building an organisation for years just to see its assets get frozen and confiscated by state authorities the moment it steps out of line? People with expertise in financial management are necessary to formulate methods for hiding the movements’ assets while at the same time ensuring that they remain accessible to the org when necessary, such as storing away money in off-shore trusts beyond the reach of national authorities for example. Such activities are essential for both legal and illegal organisations.