You could post the entire website here lol

  • @lxvi
    72 years ago

    The funny thing is that we should all recognize is that the problem people have with the vaccines are all western problems. China didn’t have questionable vaccines not even tested before being given an emergency mandate. China didn’t even mandate their vaccines. Their vaccines were trusted and functional and weren’t shrouded in secrets. Their lockdowns were targeted, worked well, and didn’t harm the people subjected to it. China didn’t use the breakout to push strange dystopian surveillance systems. China wasn’t arresting and brutalizing people for minor infractions of draconian laws. China wasn’t freezing peoples bank accounts, leaving them with no way to pay for their needs for voicing descent. China wasn’t forcing a vaccines only solution without space for other medical options. They developed multiple medical procedures to deal with the outbreak. Never once did their public officials lie, or propagandize, or demonize medical experts. They didn’t do these things.

    The liberals did all of this. The communists handled things very differently, down to the vaccines that they used.