Like the people that makes those ridiculous sculptures out of chocolate or take a huge block of cheese and shape a bust out of it? Idk what they do with the food afterwards but it always seems like a massive waste or resources. Like sure these people have talent but is what they are making really worthy of consideration? Imagine being some poor cocoa farmer who’s basically a slave or just straight up is a slave and all you existence is to farm cocoa for chocolate that isn’t even consumed? Some asshole just shapes into a giraffe for some rich fuckers to look at then throw in the trash to rot after maybe taking a bite. Or having some 40lb block of cheddar who’s caloric density could feed a small family for days and they just cut it up to make a stop motion bust of some fucking cartoon character? You do the same shit with clay that I could dig up in my yard.

Every time I see one of these videos it just kind of pisses me off. Maybe I would feel different if there weren’t people starving and/or being horrifically exploited all over the planet.

  • Rania Rudhan 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    122 years ago

    Wasteful, there’s a hundred things to make sculptures of, and things that people need to live aren’t one of them, like I don’t think it’ll kill them if they used marble or clay yk, it’s like using a blood onors bag as an ink for writing.

    it’s also very looked down upon to waste food here even macaroni art, we have an expression for it “waste of a blessing”